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We presented a different kits designed for an efficient and fast  purification of highly pure genomic DNA from a wide variety of samples including:


DANAGENE Genomic DNA Cell Kit: For purification of archive-quality DNA from cell cultures and cell suspensions.

DANAGENE Genomic DNA Tissue Kit: For purification of archive-quality DNA from tissues.

DANAGENE Genomic DNA Mouse Tail Kit: For purification of archive-quality DNA from mouse tails.

DANAGENE Genomic DNA Bacteria Kit: For purification of archive-quality DNA Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria.

DANAGENE Genomic DNA Yeast Kit: For purification of archive-quality DNA from yeast.

For another different samples you can contact with our Technical Service for establish one working protocol.

The process includes a cell lysis with an anionic detergent that solubilizes the necessary cell components, the contaminant RNA can be removed with a RNase treatment. The cell proteins are removed by precipitation, which allows to leave the genomic DNA in solution. Finally, the genomic DNA is isolated by a precipitation with isopropanol.

• Reproducible, fast and non-expensive method.
• Convenient and scalable purification procedure.
• Safe method, as it removes completely the need of using toxic reagents.
• Allows to process different biological samples.
• A high quality DNA is obtained, with an A260/280 of 1.7 – 1.9 ratio.


Applications: DNA purified using this kit is highly stable and suited for use in a wide range of applications such as:

• DNA archiving.
• PCR and quantitative real-time PCR.
• SNP analysis.
• Southern Blotting.
• Next Generation Sequencing.

Product Product Description Tissue processed per kit
0603.1 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Tissue Kit 1 gr / 50 preps of 20 mg
0603.11 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Tissue Kit 4 gr / 200 preps of 20 mg
0603.12 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Tissue Kit 33 gr/1650 preps of 20 mg


Product Product Description Cells processed per kit
0603.2 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Cell Kit  50 preps of 3-5 x 106
0603.21 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Cell Kit 200 preps of 3-5 x 106
0603.22 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Cell Kit 1650 preps of 3-5 x 106


Product Product Description Mouse Tail processed per kit
0603.3 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Mouse Tail Kit 200 preps of 0.5-1.0 cm
0603.31 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Mouse Tail Kit 1650 preps of 0.5-1.0 cm


Product Product Description Volume culture processed per kit
0603.5 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Bacteria Kit 200 ml
0603.6 DANAGENE Genomic DNA Yeast Kit 200 ml

This kit is designed for the rapid purification of highly pure genomic DNA from a wide variety of samples, including blood, cultured cells, animal tissue , mouse tail, bacteria and yeast.

This kit combines the advantages of a silica-based system with a microspin format.

For another different samples you can contact with our Technical Service for establish one working protocol.

Procedure: The process includes a cell lysis by incubation of the sample in a solution containing SDS and proteinase K at 55°C. Appropriate conditions for binding of DNA to the glass fibre membrane are created by addition of large amounts of chaotropic ions to the lysate. Contaminants are removed by efficient washing with wash buffer. Pure genomic DNA is finally eluted with an elution buffer and it’s ready to use for subsequent reactions.

• MicroSpin columns with glass fiber membrane technology.
• Tipical yield: 20- 35 µg genomic DNA.
• Binding capacity: 60 µg.
• Sample size: 200-300 µl whole blood, 200 µl buffy coat; 25 mg tissue; 102– 107 cells; 0,5- 1.0 cm mouse tail ; 108 yeast; 109 bacteria (Gram + or Gram -); For the rest of samples or special applications contact our technical service.
• Elution volume: 50-200 µl.
• High quality DNA obtained that can be directly used in PCR, Southern, any enzymatic reaction, cloning, etc.


Sample Amount DNA ug
Human whole blood 200 ul 3-6
Lymphocytes 5 x 106 15-25
HeLa Cells 2 x 106 15-25
Liver 25 mg 15-30
Brain 25 mg 15-30
Lung 25 mg 5-10
Heart 25 mg 5-10
Kidney 25 mg 10-25
Spleen 10 mg 5-25
Mouse tail 0.5-1.0 cm 5-25
Rat tail 0.6 cm 20-35
Bacteria 109 3-5
Yeast 108 10-15
Reference Product Description Preps
0605.1 DANAGENE SPIN Genomic  DNA kit 50
0605.2 DANAGENE SPIN Genomic DNA kit 250
0605.3 DANAGENE SPIN Genomic  DNA kit 1000

This kit is designed for the efficient isolation of genomic and mitochondrial DNA from small samples, such as different kinds of cells and tissues, laser-microdissected samples, small amounts of blood  using a special column design.

For another different samples you can contact with our Technical Service for establish one working protocol

• Silica-membrane technology with specials MicroSpin columns.
• Rapid purification of high-quality DNA from small samples quantities.
• No organic extraction or alcohol precipitation.
• Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors for reliable downstream applications.
• Elution volume: 10-20 µl.
• High quality DNA obtained that can be directly used in PCR, Southern, any enzymatic reaction, cloning, etc.


• DNA isolation from tissue (e.g., mouse or human tissues, laser micro-dissections).
• DNA isolation from cells (e.g., cultured cells).
• DNA isolation from clinical samples (e.g., blood samples, biopsy samples).
• DNA isolation from forensic samples (e.g., dried blood spots, buccal swabs).

Reference Product Description Preps
0607.1 DANAGENE MICROSPIN Genomic DNA kit 50
0607.2 DANAGENE MICROSPIN Genomic DNA kit 250